Draw. Create. Feel better.

As an art therapist, I’ll help you find creative ways to cut through the confusion and get to the root of what is going on for you. You don’t have to have experience or training in art to benefit. We will work with whatever supplies are available, either in your own home via telehealth, or at my studio space.
[Please note all sessions are currently being conducted via telehealth. I am only able to see clients located in New Mexico at this time.]

If art isn’t your thing or doesn’t feel like the right fit, we can explore other forms of expression such as writing or movement. Combined with more traditional talk therapy, these creative outlets can help you step outside of your thoughts and connect with your more authentic self. We will work together to find the form of healing that feels best.


If you are feeling lost and disconnected from yourself, one-on-one sessions can help.

While my group workshops are great for self-care and connection, I offer private sessions to folks who want to a more individualized approach for their mental, emotional, and relational health.

Many of my one-on-one art therapy clients use our time together to navigate big life changes, shift relationship patterns, or explore and embrace various facets of their identity.

Whatever your goals are, I’ll help you express, understand, and heal so that you can start feeling like yourself again.

Laura is looking at the camera and smiling. She has long brown hair and hazel eyes.She is wearing brown glasses, a black sweater, and grey top. Behind her is an oval shaped-abstract painting in blues, greens, and purples.


individual sessions are for you if:

You’re looking for a way to practice self-care consistently. You’ve tried other types of therapy before and it feels like something is missing. You want to try something different and are ready to start embracing your magic.



Individual sessions Are not for you if:

Your current schedule doesn’t allow you to attend weekly or biweekly sessions. If life is just too much right now, stop by one of my upcoming workshops, and come back when you can.


frequently asked questions 

Four abstract watercolor shapes, light pink, dark pink, mustard yellow, and grey.

+ How is Art Therapy different than regular therapy?

Instead of only talking in your session, we’ll use art or other creative means, to help communicate what’s going on for you. Sometimes, it’s easier to say something in line, shape, or color than it is to find the words for it. That being said, if you don’t want to do art in every single session, we don’t have to.

+ How many individual sessions can I attend? How Long will I be in therapy?

If we’re a good fit to work together, we’ll meet every week (or every other week) for as long as you need. Some clients attend individual sessions for a few months, and other come back for a year or more. It all depends on your goals.

+ How does online art therapy work?

Art therapy online can be similar to art therapy in person, the main difference is that we’ll utilize whatever supplies you have on hand, rather than the ones I offer in my studio. You still get the benefits of making art and through the use of video, together we can explore your image to help you better understand it.

+ How much do sessions cost?

My full fee is $130 per 50-min session. I have limited reduced fee spots available. You can read more on my rates page.

+ How do I get started?

Start by contacting me to schedule a free, 15-minute intro call. During our call, I’ll ask you some questions about your life, and you’ll have time to ask me about myself or my work to decide if I’ll be the right therapist for you. If we’re a good fit, we’ll schedule your first session and we’ll go from there!

Four abstract watercolor shapes, light pink, dark pink, mustard yellow, and grey.